In London, after Seb has explained love and bezier curves to jenseits, Pierre sets up a way to communicate with our DTP-software via IRC chat. Seb starts to scribble coordinates, sends through a number of commands, and up on the beamer appears a stark re-imagining of the OSP logo.
Seb has made direct use of one of the basic principles in computer graphics: giving instructions to draw to a virtual canvas. As a graphic designer you are always using programs like Illustrator or Inkscape to create these kind of instructions so it is refreshing to do so yourself.
This is the code used, adapted to Processing.js:
size(600,600); background(255); strokeWeight(6); stroke(255, 255, 0); noFill(); beginShape(); vertex(451, 29); vertex(401, 130); vertex(355, 29); vertex(334, 128); vertex(291, 26); vertex(291, 169); vertex(445, 169); endShape(CLOSE); beginShape(); vertex(517, 273); vertex(366, 127); vertex(37, 423); vertex(250, 543); vertex(252, 447); vertex(483, 531); vertex(371, 419); endShape(CLOSE);
That looks a lot like the way I do most of my design work. ☺
by ACJ - April 30, 2012 10:57 PM
Actually, Alex has worked on the software with Pierre, and only then Seb explained love and bezier curves in London ;)
(hey all your inputfields and captcha field are hidden! is that another layer of captcha?)
by bnf - April 22, 2013 8:19 AM